FBR POS Invoicing System

The FBR POS Invoicing System Integration refers to the process of connecting the FBR POS Invoicing System with a business's point of sale (POS) system. This integration allows the business to automatically transmit sales data to the FBR's online tax filing system and generate accurate and timely invoices that comply with the FBR's invoicing and reporting requirements.

When a business integrates its POS system with the FBR POS Invoicing System, sales data is automatically transmitted to the FBR's online tax filing system in real time. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors or discrepancies in the invoicing process. In addition, the integration allows businesses to generate detailed and accurate invoices that include all necessary information required by the FBR.

Overall, the FBR POS Invoicing System Integration provides businesses in Pakistan with a streamlined invoicing process that reduces the burden of compliance with the FBR's invoicing and reporting requirements. By automating the invoicing process and integrating their POS system with the FBR's online tax filing system, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and improve their overall financial management.

How to configure FBR POS Invoicing System in ERPNext

Every POS profile needs can be configured to be connected with the FBR POS Invoicing system. Go to the POS Profile > FBR Settings Tab. Enable the FBR POS Integration and add the details. You can get the details from your FBR Portal

Sandbox URL: https://esp.fbr.gov.pk:8244/FBR/v1/api/Live/PostData

Production URL: https://gw.fbr.gov.pk/imsp/v1/api/Live/PostData

Use the POS ID, Code (POS Code) and Token (FBR POS TOKEN) to configure each POS Profile

Additional configurations that are required are as follows:

  1. Customs Tariff Number for each POS item

  2. NTN and CNIC for each Customer

  3. Item Tax Template if applicable

  4. Mode of Payment

On submission of each POS Invoice, the system will submit the information to the FBR POS Invoicing System and generate a QR Code for the invoice number received in response. The QR Code can be seen printed on the receipt

Related Links:

POS Legal Provisions - Federal Board Of Revenue Government Of Pakistan (fbr.gov.pk)

POS Invoicing System - Point of Sale - Federal Board Of Revenue Government Of Pakistan (fbr.gov.pk)

POS Invoice Verification - Federal Board Of Revenue Government Of Pakistan (fbr.gov.pk)

Tax Asaan – POS Invoice Verification – Knowledge Base (fbr.gov.pk)